Welcome to Steve’s Photography Club2024-06-21T12:48:30+00:00

Photography trips

for everyone.

Steve’s Photography Club

Do you love photography? Do you want to learn and improve, maybe develop new photography skills or do you just want to enjoy the company of like minded photography creatives on workshops, trips & holidays.?

“If this is you, then you’re in the right place” come and join in with the fun.

Photography can be quite a complex and frustrating hobby that I can help you understand. The camera and its settings, what they do and how they affect your image making and I will do this in a simple way with no techno-babble but in an informative, fun & relaxed way and get you to a place of understanding then fun stuff of creating great images.

The goal is simple, to get everyone taking better pictures so whatever your kitbag consists of it is fine, beginners, intermediates, advanced everyone is welcome, there IS something for everyone your level of ability doesn’t matter.

My workshops and trips are suitable for all levels, somewhere you can… Learn – Improve – Create – Enjoy

I am recognised by the Royal Photographic Society and I also print & sell my own Fine Art Limited Edition prints. I have also had my images published in motorsport publications, books, company literature, commissioned for weddings, parties, charity balls, schools for prospectus and websites and my images have been displayed in galleries in Barcelona and Sydney.

Thanks for joining my creative part of this wonderful planet and I do hope to see you soon…
Steven – LRPS

Latest from my Blog

Read about what has been happening in Steve’s photography club. Latest trips, upcoming news and more.

Provence, France 2024

The trip was primarily to visit the Lavender fields of Provence that literally dominate the landscape in many areas of Provence offering us photographers and nature lovers alike a canvas of colour amongst the verdant greens and purples. Indeed one of the things that surprised me the most was the rich lush nature of the trees and fields of Provence which was truly delightful, an unexpected bonus. Expectations of the trip from some in the group were that the Lavender [...]

Norfolk – Grey seals pupping 2022

This particular photography trip to Norfolk was to visit the Grey Seals at pupping season, seeing the seals giving birth, feeding and caring for their brand new pups right in front of us often as adoring onlookers with a few "oohs and aaahs" and the occasional interruption of bulls fighting over a patch of beach or a threat to their partner seal so extremes of nature which can be gruesome can be seen all on one stretch of Norfolk [...]

Norfolk Birding spectacle 2024

Norfolk is a place that can always throw up something to "wow you" like big skies over a vast landscape, or out to sea across their beautiful beaches, challenging weather, windmills & water pumps that litter The Broads, Stately homes, gorgeous villages, amazing sandy beaches and lots of wildlife, I run a variety of photography trips to Norfolk to suit everyone. This particular trip was to witness a true "whirling birding spectacular" which did not disappoint. The main event [...]


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