Shoot with models – Register your interest…

Trip Summary

Register your interest to do photography shoots with experienced models.

  • This will vary & will be made clear for each workshop
  • Easy walking
  • Included

Model / models for the shoot Photography tuition and support from me as much as you need

  • Excluded

Travel Car sharing may be possible on day trips Food & drink Spending money Insurance

  • Further Information

Should you have any queries concerning this trip, please use the enquiry form below.  We’ll get back to you as soon as possible.

Payment Options


  • Shoot with models – Register your interest…


This is a post “REGISTER YOUR INTEREST TO GET ON THE MAILING LIST” for “future workshops” to shoot with models out on location?
Dates times and locations will be posted for each workshop.

I work with models quite regularly & they are obviously aware of my website, my groups & that I teach photography on mini workshops, day trips, weekends & holidays in the UK & abroad, Kat (main photo) has done an assignment with me in Italy so the options are plentiful, some workshops will be mornings/afternoons/evenings in London, Kew etc others will be day trips and some will be weekends & holidays.

This in mind Kat, Connie & one or two others have expressed an interest in me creating “Shoot with a Model workshops” so here I am asking how many of you would be interested in this?

The workshops will be “set to levels” & not ever compromised, the levels will be clearly explained on each posted workshop…for example “Lifestyle in London” – “Beach & swimwear Camber sands” – “Lingerie/Boudoir” – “Fine art nude” all details of from & to on the levels explained in detail on each workshop arranged specifically around the genre, style, venue, location etc of that workshop & the models own levels,

Models will vary in looks, style & personality, like alternative models who will be tattooed & maybe pierced (like Kat) while straight models will be “on the whole” not tattooed or pierced 9like Connie), again this will be made clear on the workshop details & photos of the model will accompany the workshop!

I have uploaded some photos of two of the models mentioned who keep saying “Come on Steve get this sorted”…so now I am!

Buy now will register your interest & get you on the email list which will be sent to all those interested as the workshop goes live on the website then it will be first come first up to get on the workshops, as always this is open to beginners & up…

As my website can be viewed by anyone I have not included any images that are not appropriate for younger viewers to see or any that may be classed as “not suitable for work” like lingerie, boudoir, fine art nude images etc .


Enquiry Form

Should you have any questions concerning this product, please complete the form below.